
Showing posts from January, 2023

Business Valuation Services in India

Business valuation is impacted by a multitude of factors such as the subject company’s industry, its stage of development and the source of the invested capital. Additionally, the variety of purposes for which business valuations are performed, the influence of local jurisdictional rules and available valuation methods further increase the complexity of business valuation. It is this complexity that has driven Nangia Andersen to assemble a world class team of professionals which are unmatched in their collective industry and technical expertise and global presence. At the core of this team is a fundamental understanding of business valuation in general, while each team member contributes deep industry, service or geographic experience.  Understanding Value Creation Business valuation  requires a solid grasp of both how value has been created prior to the valuation date, and how it will continue to be created in the future. The foundation of business valuation is the ability to...

Top Mergers and Acquisitions Firm In India

What are Mergers and Acquisitions? Mergersand acquisitions advisory is a combination of two or more companies into one, wherein the merging companies lose their identities. No fresh investment is made during this procedure. However, an exchange of shares takes place between the companies involved in such a process. Generally, the company that lasts is the buyer which preserves its identity and the seller company is extinguished. India is the second-fastest emerging economy in the world. Investors, big companies, and industrial houses view the Indian market in a rising and flourishing phase, whereby returns on capital and shareholder returns are high.  MERGERS ARE IN TRUTH ACQUISITIONS Under mergers and acquisitions, one business buys another and incorporates it into its business model. Because of the misuse of the term merger, most of the information on mergers is presented for the joint mergers and acquisitions (M & A  Advisory) that are happening. This gives a wider and ...