IT and Digital Advisory Firm In India


Managing the delivery of transformational projects worldwide requires expertise, technical skills, and a lot of passion for working with a client to provide services of the highest quality. These are the traits that define Nangia's Digital Advisory. 

Together with a dedicated team, we carry out the most demanding projects and don’t shy away from any challenge. Today we can find out exactly what they do and how they achieve their outstanding results.

With the arrival of new roles and the almost five-fold expansion of  Nangia’s team, the way we work has undergone a real evolution. But despite all the changes, some practices remained unaffected.

The key to success still lies in taking full ownership of the work delivered to the clients. The experience we gain in the process only reinforces our belief that getting things done is not enough.

Technology aims to break through complexity and volatility. And doing the right things and at the optimum cost is what concerns businesses.

It is no coincidence that Digital Advisors play such a vital role in our organization. And in this article, we will explain how they achieve project success and what makes them indispensable from the business perspective.

As a customer, you’ll find out what it means to you in terms of collaboration.

And if you’re thinking about applying for this position, this is your opportunity to learn more about it.

What does a Digital Advisor do?

Digital Advisors are trusted partners of our clients. They build rapport by understanding the customer’s perspective, aspirations, business challenges, and the results they expect.

That knowledge helps them find technological solutions to their business challenges. Consequently, Digital Advisors can deliver the best value to our customers.

They adopt a broad perspective and anticipate the next steps and client needs. Committed to ensuring the delivery of the promised benefits, they propose a relevant scope of work and services, such as managed serviceTheir mission is to help people and organizations to focus on more meaningful work.

Meeting all those objectives requires a broad range of competencies, including:

  • Technical knowledge,
  • Project management skills,
  • Business acumen to understand the organizational need for technology application,
  • The ability to influence and lead both employees and customers.

How to become a Digital Advisor?


There are seniority levels spanning from Associate DA to Senior DA. To put it simply, they are responsible for increasing the scale of operations (the project volume and complexity) and engagement level in terms of the company’s relation with a given client (business growth).


Although very demanding, this is a very interesting role. It involves taking greater responsibility for the team’s growth and the project portfolio. One of the main tasks is to support colleagues in gaining job experience and mentor future Digital Advisors.


People working in this role have the greatest responsibility. DA Business Leaders plan and carry out the strategic growth of the Domain and their clients. This position involves attaining business goals, improving competencies, and the scale of work of project teams.

How to grow as a DigitalAdvisor?

Broadening skills is possible in many ways. At Nangia Andersen, our employees have an individual educational budget at their disposal to finance, for example, training sessions or conferences.

What is especially helpful when taking the next steps on the career path is the experience gained in carrying out projects and while working with technical experts and clients from many different industries and business cultures.

DigitalAdvisors take advantage of the acquired knowledge to successfully transform the way companies work. Thanks to their hands-on experience, they can advise the client on what works and what doesn’t. 

Does each day look the same?

Not at all! The actual time depends on the project and the current team objectives.

One month, you may be less involved in running the given stages of a project but focused more on sales-related activities and improving your skills in a training session. And the following month, you do not have time for a three-day conference and want to carry out project tasks.

Also, it is good to remember that the set of activities of other people working in Digital Advisory, such as Associate Digital Advisors or Consulting Business Leads, will be different from the Digital Advisor’s scope of work. 

Can a Digital Advisor act as a Project Owner? 

Digital Advisor is a position that you can find in our organization chart. We are looking for candidates who are ready to take the plunge and grow professionally by doing the job I’ve just described. But there is one more area where we use Digital Advisors’ expertise. Apart from working closely with the client and the project team, they may also take up the role of a Project Owner on a specific project.

Project Owner is a term we coined to describe a set of tasks that encompass the activities of a Project Manager, that is, carrying out the project (within the specified budget and time), and a Product Owner who brings the business value.

And it is the Digital Advisors who usually assume the Project Owner role at Nangia Andersen. 

When working with the client and leading the project team, they use their technical knowledge and project management skills. And it is the Digital Advisors who usually assume the Project Owner role at Nangia Andersen. They are the so-called owners who are present at each stage of the project from the very start till the timely delivery of a ready solution produced in the agreed time.

It may seem trivial, but it’s no easy feat. In fact, market data suggests that 30-50% of projects do not meet these criteria (scope, time, and budget). Thanks to our Project Owners’ technical expertise, excellent organization skills, and a deep understanding of the business challenges, our metrics are way above the industry average. 

What business benefits can you expect?

Digital Advisors are the single points of contact for our clients. They share their knowledge, remove doubts, and present solutions supported by Microsoft technologies. Believe it or not, there is really no such thing as an odd question or request.

I hope that by reading this article you realized that facing business challenges is the bread and butter of Predica’s experts. We are ready to share our experience and work out the most efficient solutions to achieve our clients’ goals.

Always making it happen

Our Digital Advisors boldly pursue our common purpose – helping people and organizations to focus on meaningful work.

By putting our plans into action and teaching our clients how to deliver successful projects using relevant technologies to transform their organizations and the way they operate.

Hopefully, this article has given you a better idea of how Digital Advisors contribute to our success. If you want to know more, feel free to get in touch with our team and company Nangia Andersen And IT and Digital advisor. 

Key takeaways

1.  The mission of Digital Advisors is to transform organizations using relevant technologies.

2.  Together with project teams, they work hard to deliver the best value to customers.

3.  People at Nangia Andersen can choose a well-defined career path to become Digital Advisors.

4.  Digital Advisors can also act as Project Owners.

5.  Digital Advisors are points of contact for customers in terms of project scope.



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